Revegetation Stage 3
Published 29 June 2022
Stage 3 of the revegetation around the quarry site covers an area of 62,200m2 and consists of a mix of large canopy trees such as Grey Box and River Red Gum, understorey and small trees such as Lightwood and Prickly Moses. Shrubs include White Tea-tree and Kangaroo Thorn, while lilies & herbs include Blueberry Lilies and the Australian Saltbush.
Additionally, plant varieties continue to include a range of eucalyptus (e.g. Black Gum and White Gum trees), healing acacias and other species to be planted around the full perimeter of the quarry that will establish indigenous vegetation. Plus, a north-east plantation that will establish vegetation across part of northern escarpment to improve screening from north and east, and to improve stability of soils.
Once the lake water levels have stabilised – more indigenous trees will be planted around old Moorabool River and the existing plantations to ensure their longevity. The landscapers are contracted to replace and maintain all plants over a 5-year period to establish growth and ensure the restoration and rehabilitation of this beautiful land.